Thursday, March 12, 2009

reve generale

The french are better at everything, including standing up for themselves. The university of paris, where I was supposed to take half my classes, has been on strike more or less since I got here. Which has been disappointing for obvious reasons, but it's really great to see students and professors sincerely (the french definitely don't do irony) get behind ideals like this. Sarkozy's been rubbing elbows with US a little too much and is trying to lay some capitalist econ reform shit on the education system, and les gens are having none of it. Today some friends and I marched with a bunch of students, who, apparently, and in true collegiate fashion, got lazy after half an hour and crammed all 100+ of us into a few metro cars, chanting all the way, to go to Place de la Republique to join other strikers. I think that kind of sums up Parisian life.

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